Cycle Lane Broken White Line - What Does This Mean?

By Umme Hani on Aug 07, 2024
A cycle lane marked by a solid white line


When you encounter a cycle lane marked by a broken white line, it signifies that you shouldn't drive in the lane unless it's unavoidable.

Ever wondered about that broken white line cycle lane? It's not just another streak of paint; it carries a specific message for drivers. Let's highlight the significance of the cycle lane with broken white line.

A Cycle Lane With A Solid White Line

Broken white lines are like the road's Morse code, communicating essential information. When it comes to the cycle lane, understanding the message behind this broken line is crucial.

A cycle lane marked by a solid white line serves a distinct purpose. It's a designated space for cyclists, promoting safety and ensuring a smooth coexistence between bicycles and motor vehicles.

Now, here's the nuance – you, as a driver, shouldn't casually venture into the cycle lane marked by the broken white line. The rule is clear: stay out unless driving in the lane becomes unavoidable.

Consider the broken white line as a visual reminder. This space is primarily for cyclists. Don't intrude unless absolutely necessary. It emphasizes the importance of respecting designated lanes for different road users.

When Is It Unavoidable?

The unavoidable clause isn't a green light for casual intrusion. It's reserved for situations where circumstances make it genuinely impractical or unsafe to stay out of the cycle lane. Exercise sound judgment and consider safety first.

Road Etiquette

Navigating the roads is not just about rules; it's about etiquette. Respecting the broken white line in the cycle lane is a gesture of consideration towards cyclists, promoting a harmonious sharing of the road.

The UK Theory Test 

For those preparing for the UK Theory Test, grasping the intricacies of road markings, including cycle lanes broken white lines, is a step towards success. Questions on respecting designated lanes may feature in the test.

That’s A Wrap!

The broken white line in the cycle lane isn't a mere suggestion. It's a guideline for drivers. Respect it, stay out when possible, and only enter when circumstances truly make it unavoidable. It's a small step toward creating a road environment where every user can travel safely.


1. Can I drive in the cycle lane marked by a broken white line?

No, you shouldn't drive in the cycle lane unless it becomes truly unavoidable due to specific circumstances.

2. What does the broken white line in the cycle lane signify for drivers?

It signifies that the lane is primarily designated for cyclists. Drivers should avoid entering it unless necessary.

3. Are there specific situations where driving in the cycle lane becomes unavoidable?

Driving in the cycle lane should only happen in situations where it is genuinely impractical or unsafe to stay out of the lane. Use sound judgment and prioritize safety.

4. Are there penalties for driving in the cycle lane marked by a broken white line without a valid reason?

Yes, driving in the cycle lane without a valid reason may result in penalties and fines. It's essential to adhere to road markings to ensure both driver and cyclist safety.

5. When may you wait in the area marked with a cycle?

You may wait in the area marked with a cycle only when it is explicitly allowed by nearby signs or road markings. Always check for specific permissions or restrictions before waiting in such designated areas.

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