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Hazard Perception Test

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Hazard Perception Test

Do you wish to drive a car/motorcycle but need to pass a UK theory test? Don't you worry, our instant guide will help you fulfill your dream.

  • Know what to expect on your HPT tests
  • Study HPT test questions updated for 2024
  • Pass your HPT test whether it’s your first time or repeat
hazard perception Test

Improve Your Odds of Passing the HPT When You Upgrade to Premium

Tired of waiting on family to be able to go anywhere even though you are at the legal age to drive? Want to take the UK theory test but uncertain of your chances of passing? Used up all the free online hazard perception tests but still feel unsure about passing the theory test and especially the HPT section?

Here’s what you can do today to ensure you can get ready to take on the road.

Say no to more generic tests. Upgrade to a premium practice test account and get all the resources that can help you pass your HPT test. Access the type of HPT practice questions designed to get you more confident and ready to pass your UK theory test.

Increase Your Chances of Passing the Hazard Perception Test

Here’s How it Works to Join the 47% HPT Pass Rate

Download the Highway Code

Passing the hazard perception test is generally one of the more difficult parts of the UK Theory Test. So, in addition to getting the Highway Code, you need real examples to help.

Study Premium HPT Questions

The premium HPT questions are designed to give you the feel of the real test questions. You know what to expect and can identify hazards quickly for tests and in real-life situations.

Try the HPT Mock Test

Test your readiness for the UK Theory Test with a mock HPT exam. Get back to studying with the practice questions if you don’t pass. Book the real test if you passed the mock tests.

Sit & Pass Your HPT

It’s the simple, easy way to HPT success. Complete your Highway Code review, practice the test questions, and pass the mock tests? Then you’re ready to book, sit, and pass your test.

Making The Right Choice When It Comes to Online Practice Tests

The Hazard Perception part of the UK theory test trips up a lot of test-takers. That’s part of the reason why the pass rate is so low. It’s also why you need to choose your practice test site carefully. Here’s Why Easy Theory Test ranks amongst the best websites for practice test questions.

Questions are Categorised

Get access to a comprehensive bank of questions to help you pass your driver theory test. So, while you practice the HPT questions in your premium account, make sure you also pay attention to many multiple-choice questions that will be on the test.

Know When to Click

The hazard perception test is about clicking to respond to a potential hazard in time to prevent a mishap. You need to know when to click. Our HPT practice questions get you to practice responding to hazards in test-like and real-world conditions.

Unlimited Test Attempts

It’s not easy to click at just the right time for the hazard perception test. But, the more you practice, the better you become at responding. That’s why premium account holders get unlimited tests and question attempts. We want you to be the most prepared person in the room on test day and breeze through the difficult parts that trip up most test-takers.

Smart Dashboard

The smart dashboard is personalized to your test and study habits. Keep track of your progress, tests taken, and your challenge bank of difficult questions so you can study faster.

The Challenge Bank

Being able to quickly find all the questions you have difficulty with makes it much easier to study for a test. That’s why our Challenge Bank automatically logs all the questions you answer incorrectly so you can go back to study them. So, that’s why we say study smarter and faster, not harder.

Performance Analysis report

We help you track your journey from absolute beginner to test pro ready to ace the Hazard Perception test. Keep track of your study progress with our detailed performance analysis report accessible in your Smart Dashboard.

The Secret to the Success of Our HPT Practice Tests

The secret to the Easy Theory Test platform is in the quality of the tests, the accessibility across multiple devices and our unique Smart Dashboard that gives you total control of your study experience. We make it easy to pass, whether you’re taking the test for the first time or not.

UK Specific Test Questions

Our test questions are based on the UK Highway Code which guides the actual test. So, instead of using generic practice questions, start your study process the right way with better and more specific practice tests.

Free & Premium Access

Try our free quizzes or upgrade to premium for access to the winning formula to help you pass the HPT Test. With Premium, you get to practice with more HPT questions so you can study even better for the test.

Similar to the Real Test

The HPT is the technical part of the test. So, if you don’t know what to expect, it’s harder for you to pass this section. Our premium HPT practice questions and quizzes give you a solid foundation to ace the real test.

HPT Tests are Accessible

Access your HPT practice questions on the go so you can keep studying anywhere you have a chance to. The more you practice and study the questions, the higher your chances of acing the hazard perception test.

Study Tactically

It’s not just about reading the Code and trying the questions. It’s about understanding the structure of the test and preparing strategically. We give you all the tools, unlimited attempts, and questions to study just right.

The Winning Method

We know how difficult it is to pass the test. That’s why our system to study makes it so much easier to get the basics, learn as you practice, and access the over 700+ questions easily, so you end up with a passing grade.

Frequently Asked Questions


The Hazard Perception Test is the second section of your driving theory test. It comprises 14 video clips illustrating everyday scenarios you could encounter while driving. The HPT test is the same for all vehicle types, but the number of questions/video clips differ.

Depending on how you react to each hazard, you could earn up to 5 points per clip. The marks are based on a sliding scale corresponding to your response time. If you click too early, you won’t get any points on that question. Plus, you only get one attempt at each question in the test. You need a minimum of 44 of 75 marks to pass the HPT.

13 of the HPT questions will carry one developing hazard, while one question will carry two. You won’t know when that one question will come in the test.

There are two types of hazards that may be shown in the clips. The first is developing hazards. A developing hazard is a scenario where you must take action to avoid the situation turning into an accident. Actions required in this scenario can include changing direction, slowing down, or stopping.

The second type is a potential hazard. These types of hazards are situations you need to be aware of but do not require you to take any action.

Some of the hazard types you might encounter in your studies and at the test include: pedestrians crossing the road, vehicle reversing onto the road, animals in the road, bends in the road, etc.

Because of the technicality of the HPT, your best option is to practice some HPT test questions before the actual test. This means signing up for premium and accessing our multiple hazard perception tests that are based on road scenarios in the UK.

The gov.uk website only has 3 questions. Our upgrade carries numerous test questions for you to practice.

Then, once you’re comfortable with taking the mock HPT tests, you can book the real one so you can get that much closer to your full licence and freedom.

The HPT is the second section of your theory test. So, you book your car, motorbike, or HGV/LGV here - gov.uk/book-theory-test.

We recommend that before you book that you ensure that you’re familiar with the structure of the test questions. And the only way to get that confidence that comes with knowledge is by using our free and premium test questions online.

HPT Best Articles


In the HPT, you’re required to view 14 hazard video clips on a computer. The clips are shown from the perspective of you being the driver.

Although there are 14 questions, there will be 15 developing hazards to identify. That means at least one of the clips will have 2 hazards. On rare occasions, there may be a clip with no hazard shown.

You will score between 0 and 5 on any one clip depending on when you click the mouse, aka you react to the developing hazard.

The HPT test format

Each video clip starts with a freeze frame and a 10 second countdown time to when the clip will start. This gives you an opportunity to become aware of your surroundings in the video clip.

Once the countdown is finished, the video clip will start rolling. Now, you are required to click the mouse button at each developing hazard in the clips. You need to be vigilant to be able to click at just the right point in the window of reaction for your hazard perception clip.

The window of reaction

Each hazard perception test question has the possibility for you to earn a maximum of 5 marks. But that is dependent on where in the window of reaction you respond.

If you respond just as the developing hazard appears, then you can earn the full 5 points from that question. Reacting further into the window equals fewer points from that question. And if your reaction time is after the situation reaches a hazardous level, then you won’t get any points.

The key to getting the reaction time right is to identify the potential hazard and when it starts becoming a developing hazard. For example, approaching a side road isn’t a hazard. But if a vehicle is emerging from a side road, it becomes a developing hazard for which you need to click.

HPT practice tests makes a difference

That’s why practice hazard perception tests are important. They give you a chance to understand the window of reaction time that you have and how to check and review those developing hazards.

Plus, you can also translate what you learn from these hazard perception questions online to what you do in your practical driving lessons.

If you want to improve your chances of passing the DVSA HPT and multiple-choice questions on your first try, then start with our practice test questions.

There are static and developing hazards. A static hazard is something like driving up to a junction or a traffic light. But these aren’t what you’ll be tested on in the HPT. Instead, the DVSA theory test checks your awareness of developing hazards.

The hazard perception test is an assessment of your awareness as a driver on the road. You’ll need to look out for situations where that could turn into a hazard. This could be anything that would require you to change your speed, stop, or change directions - a developing hazard.

Clicking at the right time shows that you identified the developing hazard and that you would have been aware enough to respond to it.

What is a developing hazard?

Developing hazards are situations that could develop into an actual hazard. From a potential hazard, how you and the pedestrian or another driver reacts can lead to the actual hazard. So, in identifying a developing hazard, you’ll be required to indicate that action is necessary to prevent an incident.

A potential hazard has the possibility of becoming a developing hazard. That’s why you could possibly click too early in a video and not gain any points. So, it’s important to click as other clues become evident in the video and not just rely on that first click.

Most experts recommend clicking up to three times on each video to ensure you haven’t missed your chance by reacting too early. We recommend that you don’t just keep clicking – the test algorithm will detect this. Clicking up to 3 times will allow you to get at least a point depending on where in the reaction window your response is first recorded.

Understanding and reacting to the hazards on the road

Knowing when to click requires that you understand the types of hazardous situations that could occur from a prior act. For example, a ball rolling out into the road before you. This has the potential to develop into a situation where a child runs out in front of your vehicle to collect the ball.

If you want to get in the practice necessary to be able to respond to any hazard question shown to you, then start with our HPT practice questions. They are designed to be just like the real thing, including with steps to prevent cheating from consistent or too many clicks. You’ll get a real test situation to see how well you’d respond in the actual test.

The hazard perception test is a series of video clips. In most of these clips, there may be potential hazards displayed for you to click indicating when and how you should respond.

If you want to see how they work, click through to our hazard perception practice clips for a simulation that is similar to the real test questions.

Because of how hazards develop, you’ll need to click at specific times throughout a video. Some videos have one hazard; others have two. You’ll need to watch closely to determine which questions do.

What happens when you click too early?

As we said, the HPT requires you to click when you detect a hazard. But what if you click too soon? Well, then you won’t receive the point for that question - unless you click again during the developing hazard.

The skill being tested is your ability to detect developing hazards – e.g. a car backing out of their driveway into oncoming traffic, a big vehicle in front of you turning, a bicycle ahead, overtaking with another vehicle coming in the opposite direction. These are just a few of the scenarios you may find yourself assessing to see if they are a developing hazard.

If you click too early to be counted as a response to a developing hazard, you will face the possibility of 0 points. A second click may have the possibility of getting the full 5 points available on the question.

You don’t want to be ahead of the opening window or too far behind to get as many points as possible.

What happens when you click too late?

If you click too late, you may not get any points on that question, or a low score. So, you want to learn how and when to click so that you maximise the potential points you can get for each question.

The HPT has a cheat detection system

The official DVSA hazard perception test has a security feature to prevent cheating on the test. So, you can’t rapidly click, attempt to click in a pattern, or continuously click on a question.

There may be questions with multiple scoring hazards which will require you to click more than once to get the full points. Pay attention to the potential hazards and click when you're confident that you’ve identified one that will give you a point.

To practice 2024 hazard perception test questions, sign up to Easy Theory test.

To pass the hazard perception test, you need to score at least 44 out of the available 75 points. This is the second half of the DVSA theory test for which you would have passed the multiple-choice test before progressing to the HPT. The HPT is also often regarded as the more difficult section of the theory test.

So, here’s a quick guide on how to pass the hazard perception test.

Always ask yourself - "what if?"

When you notice something in the clip, ask yourself, could this develop into a hazardous situation?

For example, is there someone walking on the sidewalk? Yes, it’s not immediately hazardous. But it could develop into one if the person steps out into the road. So, click if you see the person starting to turn or hold up their hand, or a pedestrian crossing comes into the frame,

The potentially hazardous situation may not continue into developing hazard, but you won’t lose points for clicking on it. You would have covered yourself if it does.

Watch how often you click

Too many clicks can lead to zero points.

There is no definitive answer on how many clicks are too many on any one clip. However, you can make an educated guess to know that clicking right throughout a video will be grounds for getting a zero.

The DVSA system can track irregular patterns so you need to ensure you’re clicking when you do identify a hazard, and when it’s developing.

Look out for standard types of hazards

Certain locations come with specific types of potential hazards. For example, on a residential street, you know you need to look out for pedestrians (adults and children), cyclists, and even parked vehicles blocking your view. For general driving, note things like the signs along the road, blind corners, brake lights on vehicles in front.

So, in getting ready for the hazard perception test, think about:

  • General driving conditions
  • Driving on residential streets
  • Potential hazards on motorways
  • Driving near schools
  • The hazards that pop up along country roads

Pay attention to your practice tests

The more you practice, the better you’ll get at identifying hazards and knowing when to click. When you are out in your practical driving lessons, take note of the potential and developing hazards you see and think about how you’d react.

Then translate that practical knowledge to the screen and vice versa.

In addition to helping you prepare for the DVSA tests, the HPT practice tests offer even more benefits to users.

Here are a few of them that should make you want to head straight to a practice test.

Understand the difference between static and developing hazards

You will meet up on different types of hazards as a driver. Understanding the differences and how to react can prevent accidents and save lives.

In studying for the HPT, you’ll get a better understanding of developing hazards and how to respond to them.

You’ll learn transferable knowledge

What you learn practising with the video clips can be transferred to your practical driving. The things you’ll learn include:

  • How to scan for and react to the various hazards you will encounter when driving
  • Making the connections between distance and speed
  • Identifying the length of time it takes to stop at different speeds
  • Judging the safe gaps when turning left or right at a T junction, or when other vehicles in front of you are turning
  • How to judge the safe gaps at intersections, especially when turning at a traffic light

All these are useful information for practical driving applications.

Helps reduce accidents

Practical driving lessons aren’t the only way to learn how to drive. That’s why you need to pass the theory test before you can book your driving exam. So, understanding the rules of the road and how to interact with other drivers can go a far way in reducing the number of accidents and deaths on our roads.

That’s what the hazard perception helps to do – develop critical thinking regarding hazards so you can protect your life and those around you.

Know what to look for in the test

While we cannot guarantee that the test video clips will be exactly like the ones in our practice test, they will be similar. So, you have the chance to learn what sorts of developing hazards to be on the lookout for when taking the test.

Improves your chances of passing the HPT

The DVSA theory test pass rate was 47% for the 2019/2020 year. That means you’ll need to work hard to pass as well. It starts by accessing practice tests that are just like the real thing.

With the added benefit of tracking your readiness and being able to evaluate your progress, you’ll definitely know when you’re ready to take the official test.

We’re ready to help you ace your hazard perception test. Just sign up for premium, study using our practice video clips, and see how quickly you improve in answering HPT questions.

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