10 Official Highway Code Rules you might not know

By zainab on Mar 28, 2020
10 Official Highway Code Rules you might not know

The Highway Code is something most drivers haven't revised after their driving test. It's essential for everyone to read - drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, horse riders and all other road users. Further, there are 300 rules in the official Highway Code, many of them are lawful requirements, it pays to know all the details to ensure that you remain safe.

Don’t wait or park on yellow zig-zags:

Zigzags are found mostly outside the entrances of the schools, hospitals, police stations and fire stations. These areas should be avoided for everyone’s safety. 

You will not be issued a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) until unless these lines are accompanied by a sign that is detailing the restrictions. 

Further, if they have signs or not, it is never advisable for motorists to park in these restrictions. Read the handy guide to learn more about where to park your car and where not.

Always let out buses:

The Code enumerates us the need to transport that includes buses, coaches and cable cars when you can do so safely. Especially when they're signaling to pull away from stops. The truth is that it is nothing but a lawful necessity. 

Buses must demonstrate and leave a distance as you see a larger vehicle coming over. It helps you avoid collisions and lessen the opportunity of accidents.

When there are no busses in sight, you can and will be punished if you stray during times of operation. This one's law, and progressively cameras are set to target it. 

Don’t cross double (center-of-road) white lines:

We're prohibited by the law from crossing double white lines in the middle of the road where the line closest to the solid. Still, how often do you see drivers straddling, or maneuvering into the approaching lane?

The curveball here is that this training is that this practice is allowed in certain conditions. Although the ones in whom the rule is broken.

You can cross the lines if you enter adjoining premises or at the side of the road, or if safe, to overtake a pedal cycle, road or horse maintenance vehicle traveling at 10mph or under.

Avoid ‘undertaking’:

According to the Highway Code, surpassing on the side of the road is acceptable in case you're on a multi-path carriageway in congested and narrow conditions, which means the left lane of the road is faster than the right. It is OK if the vehicle in front is signaling to turn right.

There is no law itself against the undertaking, yet it can be considered as an offense under careless or even considered as dangerous driving. 

Overtaking is dangerous, changing lanes at speed can hit many cars and can become the cause of an accident. Therefore, avoid overtaking while driving.

Never ‘hog’ the middle lane:

Middle-lane hogging is probably the greatest nightmare among drivers. It's when vehicles stay in the center path longer than other lanes when there aren't any vehicles in the path to overtake. 

Most of us argue that it is more secure to stay on a straight road than weaving all-around in other lanes, and positively applied by the two drivers and the police.

But eventually, rules will be ruled the Highway Code implicitly states you should return to the left-hand lane when you securely pass.

Avoid all in-car distractions:

The legal requirement is a common thing we all are aware of to Be Phoned Smart and keep hands well, off our cell phones while in control of our vehicles. Further, what the number of the Highway Code's lists of interruptions that we need to avoid.

The Code makes us remind that safe driving needs proper concentration, and to 'keep away from' the following interruptions while driving: 

 ✓ Loud music (This may mask different sounds.) 

 ✓ Understanding maps 

 ✓ Inserting a tape or CD or tuning a radio 

 ✓ Arguing with your travelers or other street clients 

 ✓ Eating and drinking 

 ✓ Smoking 

 ✓ In short, we’re regrettably probably all guilty of violating the Code on this front from time to time.

Use your parking lights at night:

Every vehicle must display parking lights-sidelights, while parked on the road within the speed limit of 30mph. If the speed limit of a road is 30mph or less than that you do not need to switch your sidelights on. 

Further, you find your parking place or you are in a flow of traffic near the destination, but it is 10 meters far from the nearest junction. Then you are eligible for the fine if you get caught by the police. 

Don’t hold up with long queues of traffic:

Most of the time we say that we are the victim, rather than that the perpetrator of this Highway Code. However, it is not regularly followed.

It is particularly a problem among the vehicles that are larger or slower-moving vehicles. These larger vehicles are asked a number of times to pull over and check their mirrors. It is necessary and safe as well to let traffic pass.

Turn off your engine if parked:

If you are running out of time, you can't leave a parked vehicle unattended with the running engine or leave it running unnecessarily while stationary on a public road.

You wouldn't generally need to do this in any condition because of a fear of somebody jumping in and taking off in your joy. However, you know, it's illegal. Remember that when heating up the vehicle on a frigid morning, don't get fined for de-icing your vehicle.

Check before opening a door:

The Highway Code states 'you should guarantee that you do not hit anyone when you open your door. Check for cyclists, motorcyclists or other traffic'. 

The doors of the car should be open carefully, the car parked in heavy traffic might be the cause of a heavy accident due to the negligence of the door opening.

Moreover, somewhere in the range of 2011 and 2015, there were 3,108 reported crashes where vehicle doors were opened or closed. It was carelessly recorded as the main cause and a contributing element in accidents that were attended by the police.


The highway code signs help the beginners to drive well as it makes them understand everything about the road. The highway codes are available online on the official government website as well. The highway code road signs are necessary for every individual to know before they start to learn how to drive. To pass the driving theory test you must learn the driving tips and all the official highway codes. 

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